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Career Opportunity in university

Career Opportunity in university 2020 - job vacancy in university 2020 - job circular in vacancy 2020
Career Opportunity in university 2020 - job vacancy in university 2020 - job circular in vacancy 2020

Career Opportunity
Brac University
Pro Vice-Chancellor

BRAC University is a premier private university in Bangladesh founded by BRAC, the world’s largest nongovernmental organization that has positively impacted the lives of millions. The university was established to support the vision of the Founder, Sir Fazle Hasan Abed KCMG, for a world where everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential. BRAC University aims to be a global leader in purposing higher education for humanity, enabling women and men to realize their potential and contribute to prosperity.

The Board of Trustees of BRAC University invites applications for the position of Pro Vice-Chancellor from outstanding scholars and administrators, locally and internationally. This will be a statutory appointment and prospective candidates must meet criteria outlined in the Private University Act 2010 of Bangladesh.

The Pro Vice-Chancellor will report to the Vice-Chancellor of BRAC University. S/he will work toward realization of the vision and mission of the university. BRAC University has seven schools, three institutes, and six centers of excellence. The university has consistently remained at the frontier of higher education in Bangladesh. The institutes and graduate schools produce high-impact research in key areas including public health and education, attracting significant grants and funding. The undergraduate programs have a strong liberal arts base and majors with coursework that reflect current trends and needs. Recent initiatives include the launch of buX, an edX-based online learning platform which is particularly important in view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the first School of Data and Sciences in the country. The university is also preparing to roll out a brand new general education program that encourages students to reflect on their role in society in facilitating positive change. In 2020, BRAC University was ranked by Times Higher Education among the global top 50 for SDG I.

The university is seeking an academic leader possessing a solid track record of success. The individual will bring in a deep understanding of higher education. Having sound knowledge of the key factors in academic administration, the individual will be able to inspire confidence and motivate faculty to exercise the highest standards in scholarship and teaching. Additionally, the pro vice-chancellor will engage well with a wide range of stakeholders to support the university’s mission.

Interested candidates are welcome to submit their application, a current CV, and the names and contact information of three professional references to Details are available on the university website:

Closing date: August 31, 2020

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