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Doctors-Nurses Are Getting UK Visa Easily 2023 - চিকিৎসক-নার্সরা সহজেই যুক্তরাজ্যের ভিসা পাচ্ছেন ২০২৩ - Work Visa 2023

Bangladeshi doctors-nurses are getting UK visa easily - বাংলাদেশি চিকিৎসক-নার্সরা সহজেই যুক্তরাজ্যের ভিসা পাচ্ছেন

Bangladeshi doctors-nurses are getting UK visa easily - বাংলাদেশি চিকিৎসক-নার্সরা সহজেই যুক্তরাজ্যের ভিসা পাচ্ছেন

The way to come to the UK as skilled manpower in the medical field is opening for Bangladeshi doctors and nurses. The country's government is going to make major changes to the UK's immigration laws to bring in skilled workers from countries outside Europe. As part of this, the government plans to exclude non-EU doctors and nurses from the tier two visa cap. It is expected that the way for skilled professionals to come from Bangladesh to UK will be opened.

When Prime Minister Theresa May was Home Secretary, restrictions were put in place. Through this, the former home secretary determined that no more than 20,700 skilled staff can be brought from non-EU countries annually. However, since taking office as the new Home Secretary, Sajid Javid has taken steps to reform immigration laws in some areas. The Home Office has announced the exclusion of doctors and nurses from the annual immigration cap.

The announcement of the relaxation of the law was welcomed by the country's healthcare service organization NHS. Top officials of NHS trusts said the government's decision would go a long way in solving the ongoing shortage of doctors and nurses in hospitals. Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt also thanked the decision.

A large number of Bangladeshi and Indian doctors and nurses are currently working in the UK. The new decision is expected to make it easier for more Bangladeshi doctors and nurses to come to the UK.

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Recent Job circular 2023 - চাকরির খবর ২০২৩ - জব সার্কুলার ২০২৩ - নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩


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